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Five grandchildren, three of them daughters, all of them of course know everything there is to know. Even though the eldest is eleven and the youngest five. Of course my job as Grandpa is to be silly with them. Their favourite comment from an early age was "silly Grandpa!" which confirmed that I was doing my job.
Occasionally, of course, I am required to behave as though I were a sensible adult - if they were misbehaving for example. On such occasions my stern, grown-up words are also greeted with giggles and a chorus of "silly Grandpa".
As they get older and far too clever I feel I should have more serious conversations about the state of the world, my own incredibly interesting life, politics, the meaning of life and so on. How does that go down? You guessed it. "Tee hee, silly Grandpa".
And my eldest granddaughter even made me a 'SG' mug! To be fair it is my favourite mug, just ahead of my 'Piss Off I'm Social Distancing' mug and my 'Best Dad in the World' mug.
So I thought, why not write down all these important, erudite pearls of wisdom in the faint hope that someone (not the grandkids obviously) will read it and NOT say "silly Grandpa".
Some of it will be silly I suppose but there might be the odd gold nugget in there somewhere. I don't know if it's just me, but as I get older I get angrier. I was an angry young man in the sixties, mellowed a bit for a few decades but now I'm an angry old(ish) man with the feeling that I've got to cram in an awful lot of rants in a dwindling amount of time.
So there will be a bit of harmless ranting. But lots of other random rambles too. And if I amass an adoring readership of more than half a dozen or so I'll be well pleased.
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